Huajun tire

Huajun tire

Create value for customers and build brands for the industry.

Huajun people will be high-quality products, sincere service, a wide range of friends, sincere to the five lakes merchants. Willing to work with colleagues from all walks of life at home and abroad to work together to create a better future!

Huajun tire

Huajun tire

Create value for customers and build brands for the industry.

Huajun products are exported to overseas, and with a number of large domestic tire enterprises to establish a long-term stable relations of cooperation.


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Electric, intelligent, digital wave swept, tire brands how to enter a new era



The century-old traditional automobile industry is accelerating change, and the tire industry attached to the automobile industry is also changing.

First, at the technical level, how do traditional tire brands deal with the replacement of traditional fuel vehicles by new energy electric vehicles and the changes in business models they bring?

Second, at the commercial level, under the trend of new retail and digitalization, the interaction between brands and users has changed. How can brands provide users with a better service experience?

These are the two major problems that are currently facing all tire manufacturers. With the exploration and attempt of tire head enterprises on these two major issues, a wave of innovation from the tire industry is accelerating.

Among them, the German horse tire in this year's voice is particularly eye-catching. First, Dr. Dai Libo, General Manager of Continental Horse Tire China, talked to First Finance and Economics, and then was Vice President of Major Customer Management of German Horse Tire Asia Pacific.Juan BoteroThe doctor was a guest in the reception room, and the two dialogues well demonstrated the German horse brand's thinking on the trend of new energy, which may have some reference significance for practitioners.

01From technology to ecology, fully adapt to the new energy era

From a global perspective, the Chinese market has become a new energy industryLeaderIt is a fact of no doubt.

According to a report by the International Energy Agency, the Chinese market currently accounts for the total global electric vehicle market.44%Far beyond Europe.31%and American17%. Data from the China Association for Science and Technology also shows that as2021Year6At the end of the month, China's new energy vehicle ownership60310,000 vehicles, accounting for the global number of new energy vehicles.50%Left and right.

At the same time, with millet, Skyworth,OVThe era of new energy vehicles in China is accelerating, which is both an opportunity and a severe challenge for the tire industry.

In the face of changes in the times, the German horse throughHigh-end new energy vehicle original expertbrand positioning, gained in Europe40%Above, America50%The original certification of the above pure electric models.

Meanwhile, Dr. Dalberts andJuan BoteroThe doctor said that China is one of the most important markets for German Horse, and German Horse will become a firm supporter of the Chinese government on sustainable development and carbon neutrality issues.

Specifically, it is reflected in two aspects:

First, in the four stages of raw material procurement, tire production, actual use of tires, and the end of the tire life cycle, the German brand takes sustainable development as one of the important goals. Take the German horse brand in China's Hefei factory, it through solar power generation, each year can produce550Ten thousand degrees clean power supply, reduce5200Multiple tons of carbon dioxide emissions, equivalent to a year of planting26000Trees; through the construction of a sewage treatment system, the annual savings in clean water is equivalent400The annual water consumption of multiple households; Hefei plant is also the first tire manufacturing plant in the industry to adopt a dry filtration system, and the air purification efficiency is much higher than the national standard.

The second is guided by the demand of Chinese consumers for electric vehicle tires, and introduces the most suitable technology for electric vehicles. For example, to prevent nail leakageContiSealSelf-repair technology, and maximum noise reduction in the car9decibelsContiSilentSilent technology.

In addition, the German horse brand is looking to the future and is determined to build a complete intelligent digital solution ecosystem with high-quality tires as the center. For example,ContiSenseTechnology can detect tire pressure and temperature through built-in sensors in tires, and update and predict road conditions to the driver in real time. AndContiAdaptThe technology can adjust the tire pressure and tread width in real time according to changes in weather and road conditions, so that the tires can better adapt to different driving environments, and select the most optimized driving mode under specific road conditions.

The tires of the future will be part of an integrated, intelligent, connected ecosystem.Dr. Dai Libo said.

02Young thinking, upgrade the user experience

Walk through the Chinese market15The German horse brand is also a witness and witness to the development of China's automotive aftermarket. So, how does the German horse brand gain a foothold in the Chinese market?

Juan BoteroThe doctor believes that, in the final analysis, a good tire business requires a strong local team as the backbone. They can fully understand the needs of consumers and the local market, so as to develop and design products and provide tire product solutions tailored to the local market., namelyThe tire business is a human business..

And here's the mentionPeopleThere is another meaning, that is, the development of tire business cannot be separated from the control of consumer demand, and tire manufacturers should switch from simple product thinking to user thinking.

At present, automotive aftermarket brands are communicating with users, especially80,90When dealing with the future, with the change of generations, the relationship between the two is becoming more and more subtle, and many brands have encountered communication barriers.

In order to reshape the relationship with Chinese consumers, fully understand the needs of local consumers, and respond to market feedback in a timely manner, German Horse has formulatedBased on the market, service marketWe will continue to promote localized production, localized R & D and localized testing in the Chinese market in order to respond to changes in the Chinese market in a more timely manner.

In order to cater to the consumption upgrade of the Chinese market and the trend of the rise of young groups, the German horse brand around the car owners concerned about the after-sales service experience, launchedOfficial authentic, extended warranty service, three-year warranty, free installationand other service commitments.

In addition, with the help of digital capabilities, the German horse brand for consumers to create a set of online tire selection, offline installation of the integration system. Under the line, German horse brand's cooperative image stores in China have exceeded3000Home, which contains retail chain brand stores--Best.

future, how brands connect with customers and can sustainOnline(permanent connection) is the key to business opportunities. The exploration of German horse brand in the Chinese market has always stood in the user's position, and the layout around the whole life cycle of tires may be an effective way to break the industry.

03Grasp the user assets, facing the new era of tire service

As the tire industry enters the era of stock competition, the homogenization competition among tire brands is becoming more and more fierce, and the tire industry is also undergoing reshuffle and reorganization.

However, due to the particularity of tires, manufacturers have been adopting the traditional distribution model for a long time, from first-level wholesalers to retailers, and then to delivery owners. The chain of the traditional model is too long, which makes it difficult for manufacturers to grasp the first-line market feedback at the first time. At the same time, each level is involved in profit sharing, which also challenges the manufacturer's gross profit index.

Now, with the entry of the automotive aftermarket.Meager profitTimes, the tire industry to achieve change, it can not bypass the digital. The ultimate goal of digitalization is to improve efficiency.

Currently, there are brand launchesOnline and offline integrationThe new retail strategy, to create a digital marketing platform, the traditional tire sales system for digital upgrading;Sell productsToSelling kilometersCreate a new model from selling products to selling services.

German horse brand uses the full life cycle strategy and multi brand strategy of digital driven layout tires, that is, to provide differentiated products for different customer groups and different price ranges, so as to flexibly meet the needs of customers in specific locations, specific brands and specific price points. Using big data technology, the consumption habits and behaviors of target customers are analyzed and calculated to draw accurate user portraits, so as to predict user needs and continuously upgrade the consumption experience.

With the growth of the scale of user data, manufacturers can also monitor from the production end to the consumer end through data analysis, reduce circulation losses, and realize efficient logistics and distribution, and transform and upgrade the traditional retail value chain.

In the long run, the digital operation ability of tire brands will determine how much space they have in the future. Tire brands are difficult to have shortcuts to follow. Only by fully understanding users, operating users, and forming the operation of the entire product life cycle can they not be eliminated by this era.

Just like management guru Peter·Drucker said,The real purpose of a business is to create and retain users.In the industrial age, manufacturers and channels control the right to speak, and users can only passively accept it; but in the digital age, users have the right to choose, and the relationship between users and manufacturers needs to be reshaped.

Users are the core assets of an enterprise, and operating users will become the core competitiveness of an enterprise. With the advent of the new energy era, how to understand the real needs of consumers and optimize the consumer experience has become a compulsory course for every tire company.

Facing the era of electrification, German Horse Brand is based on the needs of local consumers and introduces tire technology and products that accurately match their needs for Chinese electric car owners. Facing the digital market, German Horse Brand grasps the user's assets and lays out the whole life cycle of tires, so that the younger generation of consumers can have a high-quality experience from online to offline, from products to services.

The arrival of the new energy era may become an opportunity for the transformation of China's automobile market. In the future, with the opening of the curtain of user operation, more and more brands will lead the new era of tire service in the context of new energy like German horse brand.



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